June 4, 2005


My lonely heart is exposed for all the world to see. No more barriers to hide behind and unable to hide anything inside any longer. Flesh melted away by smiles and loving glances. My chest ripped wide open from gentle prying by kind words. No more bone or flesh to hide how I feel.

I can no longer hide how my pulse increases around you. My heart flutters in my chest and blood rushes through my veins with each wink from your beautiful eyes. Each breath I take in of your sweet aroma fills my lungs and goes straight to my brain. I cannot take enough air in to match my racing heart. Light-headed and loving every wonderful second of it.

Slowly my pulse descends as we part ways. My heart sinks slightly in my chest as if to hide itself away from others. The grin fades from my face and the longing begins to set in again.

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