May 30, 2005


True love is an act of selflessness. To give all you are to another person and expect nothing in return is love in its purest form. Not a more beautiful thing exists in nature than reciprocal love.

The mingling of two hearts brings joy in its purest form. To be with the person you want and experience life together is true ecstasy. It is unimaginable to those who have never experienced such a wondrous thing.

My heart is lonely wallflower. It stands steadfast against the wall and gazes upon the happy couples embraced with one another. It longs in agony to be brought together with another similar to it. What more can it possibly ask for than a companion to spend its time with?

I find the courage within to leave the wall and actively seek you out. You passively and unknowingly deny my advances and pursuits. I am determined to persevere for if there was ever a thing I have wanted, it is for you to share my company.

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