May 31, 2005
Desert Plant
How could I possibly expect to exist and grow without someone like you?
You alone do I entrust with this key and the contents locked away. Whom else could I trust with such a thing except someone as amazing as you?
May 30, 2005
Another Addiction
The world suddenly becomes smaller and troubles no longer have a place in it. My motions become fluid and unrestricted by thought. Feelings flow freely and barriers can no longer contain them. Things that used to seem like huge leaps become baby steps. Everything around me becomes seemingly easier since I can act without thinking.
Perhaps this state is not the best. I never thought I would be able to relase control of my thoughts but it brings unimaginable joy and euphoria. As you fade from my body I long to be reacquainted with you again. Such is the path to addiction.
The mingling of two hearts brings joy in its purest form. To be with the person you want and experience life together is true ecstasy. It is unimaginable to those who have never experienced such a wondrous thing.
My heart is lonely wallflower. It stands steadfast against the wall and gazes upon the happy couples embraced with one another. It longs in agony to be brought together with another similar to it. What more can it possibly ask for than a companion to spend its time with?
I find the courage within to leave the wall and actively seek you out. You passively and unknowingly deny my advances and pursuits. I am determined to persevere for if there was ever a thing I have wanted, it is for you to share my company.
May 29, 2005
Only love can free the happiness trapped within. The chains broken and happiness unleashed for all the world to see. When a person is in love everyone around can sense it. A bright aura surrounds the person and replaces the negativity previously exuded.
May 27, 2005
Even if we are nothing more than friends than I consider it to all be worthwhile. People who think as I do and like the things I do are hard to come by in this world. I have always considered myself to be completely unique yet the meeting of you makes me feel as though I am not alone in the way I am.
My mind longs for the chance to get to know you better. Talking with you feeds my mind with the sweetest of thoughts. These conversations bring euphoric joy to my mind like candies bring joy to those with a sweet-tooth. Much like that same person my mind has grown to be addicted to you and pains me when we have not talked. Then, I must speak with you again and the withdrawals recede.
May 26, 2005
Senses heightened to peaks unknown when you are around. It matters not if I see you for I can still sense your aura in the surrounding air. Your aura whispers softly in my ears and arouses my attention to your presence nearby.
I cannot help but to smile as I long to actually see your beaming and radiant face in front of me. The sweet sound of your voice is like music to my ears. My personality cannot be contained any longer. It longs to be set free and allowed to mingle with your own.
The minutes seem like seconds when I am engaged in conversation with you. I long to spend more and more time lingering in your presence. The world fades away in darkness and only you can I see. A beautiful, shining light at the end of an endlessly dark tunnel. However, you are the only part of the world I need to see.
Your presence feeds my soul with radiant joy like the sun above provides to plants below. It matters not how many clouds may come and interfere with the light for there passing is short. Much like a flower longs for sunshine, my heart longs each night for the next day to come forth and the sunshine to reign upon me again.
May 24, 2005
A Recent Occurence
The most beautiful and exquisite flower I have ever seen has graced me with its presence. It possesses an aura that pervades the imagination. Not a single flower in nature can hope to compare to its unique qualities. Its uniqueness alone exemplifies and amplifies its beauty. Never have I seen such a flower that emits such radiance as this one. Its sweetness arouses the attention of everyone in its presence. To be graced with a presence such as this is to be truely captivated.
One cannot reasonably expect to tame or possess such a wild flower, but only be fortunate enough to be permitted to tend to its needs and protect it even though it needs this not. One can only hope to be graced with the fortune to be said protector and tender of its needs and hopefully grow old enough to see the course of its natural growth.