July 24, 2005

A Final Request

He thought that they would be the perfect match;
And considered her to be quite the catch;

Fitting all of the qualities he seeks in a girl;
Finally finding inside of a clam his pearl;

He thought he fit what she is seeking too;
And why not is all he wished he knew;

Her very own Prince Charming if she would only allow him;
Of a chivalrous nature who would cater to her every reasonable whim;

A man of intelligence and sense of self;
Who has many good qualities upon his shelf;

He would constantly take her to operas, museums, and movies;
Take her out to eat and afterwards for ice cream or smoothies;

Treating her every day with the upmost respect;
And trusting her without doubt in every aspect;

With her he might finally find companionship;
The stone off his heart she might finally chip;

Giving him cause to writes poems of an epic nature;
A burning desire to create for which there is no cure;

His heart making a final outcry to her;
Wanting inside only to know for sure;

Is is pointless for me to ask you out again?
Even if it's just as friends?

Tell me so I will at least know,
Whether that answer be yes or no,
and why exactly you feel so;

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