July 24, 2005

A Final Dream

I did not think I could dream any longer, yet I dreamed twice last night. An experience I have never experienced before. The dreams were wondrous and unlike any I have ever had previously.

In the first dream, we were both talking as if it were any other day. Much to your surprise, I caught you off-guard. I quickly leaned towards you and kissed your lips. I tried to withdraw, but you pulled me closer before I could. Your soft lips wrestling with mine as our bodies fought to get closer. My arms wrapped firmly yet gently around your tiny frame.

Then, it ended just as soon as the dream started; however, another dream began as I fell back asleep. This time we sat together amongst at a table amongst friends. They asked of you the nature of relationship. After a brief pause, you smiled and answered without missing a beat. You merely said I was your boyfriend and nothing more. Pulling me in close to you, you kissed me passionately on the lips.

The second dream was at its end now as well. I had to wake up and write it down. Dreams like these are not meant to be forgotten.

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